Mission of The Council
The objectives of Council are centered on improving the quality and availability of health care. The Council fulfills its missions in accordance with the following goals:
1. Public policy related to health care will uniformly recognize clinical professions from among allied health professions as primary care providers and ensure the public has access to the full scope of health care.
2. Allied Health professionals (clinical and non-clinical) will look to the Council of Allied Health Sciences- Pakistan for professional standards, research and education leadership which serve to enhance and ensure competent, quality patient care.
3. The public and Health care professionals will turn to the Council for reliable and current information related to their professions and health care policy.
Justification Of Registration
Prospective buyers of these services are said not to be able to distinguish between qualified and unqualified persons, and this is considered to be especially true if consumers buy services of the particular kind only at infrequent intervals. Where the consequences of the employment of unqualified persons can be expected to be seriously aversive to the purchase, and especially where the consequences of incompetently rendered service are irreversible, it is thought to be desirable that… some examining or other procedure `{`be administered`}` to determine who are qualified to practice, and prevent those who are unqualified from offering their services.
The average quality of those permitted to practice is raised, and by exclusion of “quacks” and incompetents the public is protected from the error of employing them.
Rights of Patients
Council of Allied Health Sciences Pakistan recognizing the following rights
Health care professionals have an obligation to inform patients about their rights.
- The right to reasonable response to requests/need for treatment or service.
- The right to considerate and respectful care.
- The right to make decisions, in collaboration with the physician and other involved health care workers, involving health care.
- The right to information necessary to make treatment decisions that reflect wishes.
- The right to information at admission on grievance procedures and specific patient rights.
- The right to participate in discussion of ethical issues.
- The right to be informed of any human experimentation or research affecting treatment.
- The right to personal privacy with law’s limits and to personal privacy and confidentiality of information.
- The right of the patient’s guardian, next of kin, or authorized person to delineate to patient’s wishes should he or she become incapable.
Definition Of Health and Care Professionals
If you are looking for a career that combines challenge, an excellent employment package and the rewards of doing something really worthwhile, the Allied Health Professions (AHPs) offer a wide range of opportunities. As key members of today’s healthcare team, AHPs provide diagnostic services, treatment, Rehabilitation, and expertise in a verity that helps transform people’s lives.
Entry requirements for the AHPs vary, and acquiring the knowledge and skills to become a professional involves training and study at degree or diploma level, but there is a range of vital support roles that require no set academic qualifications.
AHPs carry their own caseloads and work as autonomous professionals, for example they may work directly with a patient to develop some interactive therapies to aid recovery or Perform Imaging or any other diagnostic or rehab. However, health and social care today is about teamwork so AHPs will also be part of a team and may even lead one. This might mean working with other AHPs or other professionals such as GPs, hospital doctors, teachers, or social workers.
AHPs provide their services to patients and clients in different surroundings. AHPs will be found working in hospitals, clinics, people’s homes, schools and colleges. Not surprisingly, the academic requirements and training demands are high, but then so are the rewards, both in terms of job satisfaction and career prospects.
As a Graduate
You will be working as an independent professional within your professional scope. You will be responsible for the professional services you offer to your own caseload of patients/ clints. Most of the AHPs must complete a higher education training program approved by the Council of Allied Health Sciences Pakistan (CAHSP) through an HEC approved Chartered or affiliated Institution. These programs will be at degree/diploma level or of higher level.
However, if you already have a degree in a relevant discipline, there are also postgraduate training courses at diploma, masters, MS/MPhil or PhD level in some of the allied health professions.
Registration’s Need
To work outside the country specially and within Pakistan Generally, Allied Health Professionals “Must” be registered. They will only be eligible for registration if completed approved training program and been awarded an approved qualification. Key component for registration is quality Post qualification experiences under the supervision of an approved expert. This experience has been titled as Clinical Internship or House Job. It is paid or honorary that is under local preview, however, quality and reliability of such training is concern of CAHSP as to ensure public safety.
Ethics & Standards
It Shall Be the Ideal, the Resolve, and the Duty of the Registered Professionals of this Council:
- TO KEEP the welfare of the patient uppermost at all times;
- TO PROMOTE in every possible way, in collaboration with this Council, better care of the health needs of mankind;
- TO ENHANCE continuously their educational and technical proficiency to the end that their patients shall receive the benefits of all acknowledged improvements in health care;
- TO SEE that no person shall lack for health care, regardless of his financial status;
- TO ADVISE the patient whenever consultation with a colleague or reference for other professional care seems advisable;
- TO HOLD in professional confidence all information concerning a patient and to use such data only for the benefit of the patient;
- TO CONDUCT themselves as exemplary citizens;
- TO MAINTAIN their offices and their practices in keeping with professional standards;
- TO PROMOTE and maintain cordial and unselfish relationships with members of their own profession and of other professions for the exchange of information to the advantage of mankind.
01. Basic Responsibilities of A Health Care Professional
A health profession has as its prime objective the service it can render to humanity; monetary considerations should be a subordinate factor. In choosing the profession of health an individual assumes an obligation for personal conduct in accordance with professional ideals.
Section B. Continuing Competence
A health care professional should strive to keep current with every modern development in the profession, to enhance both knowledge and proficiency by the adoption of modern methods and scientific concepts of proven worth and to contribute personally to the general knowledge and advancement of the profession. All these things should be done with that freedom of action and thought that provides first for the welfare of the public.
02. Relationships With The Patient
A health care professional (clinician) should provide the patient with sufficient information in order to obtain an informed consent from the patient.
Section B. Emergency Care
A request for care in an emergency should receive immediate response. Once having undertaken an emergency case, health care professional shall neither abandon nor neglect the patient.
Section C. Charges For Materials
Charges for materials (if provided as necessary) should be clearly separated from professional fees.
03. Responsibilities to The Public
A health care professional should honor the applicable provision of valid laws and rules regulating the advertising of materials and the disseminating of information regarding professional services.
04. Relationships with Other Health Care Professionals
Intraprofessional referral and consultations are encouraged when the best interest of the patient indicates additional opinion. Protocol on the relationship and responsibilities between the referring and attending professional that customarily is followed by health professionals shall prevail.
Section B. Official Position
A health care professional holding an official position in any organization shall avoid any semblance of using this position for self-aggrandizement.
05. Relationships with Other Professionals
Professional responsibility demands that the health care professional actively participate in public health activities with other health professionals to the end that every step be taken to safeguard the health and welfare of the public
Policy of the Council Regarding Unprofessional Conduct
This policy statement is to apply to all officers, volunteers and staff of the Council. It is intended to provide guidance to these individuals in their conduct with respect to contacts and transactions with persons or entities that are not part of the Council.
It shall be considered unprofessional conduct when any volunteer, elected or appointed, or any staff person directly or indirectly solicits, receives, accepts, or agrees to accept a thing of value by inducing the reasonable belief that the giving of the thing will influence his/her performance or failure to perform any official action.